Redevelopment Authority of Somerset County, Somerset County
This project consisted of the design and installation of a wastewater collection system and pump station. The project was funded and supported by the Redevelopment Authority of Somerset County and was turned over to the Meyersdale Municipal Authority.
This section of the Township did not have a public wastewater system and was designated as an area of need. The new collection system included nearly 3,600 feet of 8” wastewater main, 900’ of force main, 22 lateral taps, railroad and stream bores and a pump station. The pump station delivers sewage across the Castleman River directly to one of the Meyersdale Municipal Authority’s pump stations.
Keller Engineers was responsible for survey, permitting, design, construction drawings and specifications, bidding, easement coordination, construction management (including monthly on-site job conferences) final inspection, and as-built drawings. Daily inspections were performed by the Somerset County Redevelopment Authority.
Project Uniqueness/Challenges: Coordination between the County Redevelopment Authority (funding agency) and the Meyersdale Municipal Authority (who is managing the completed system) was necessary.
The Meyersdale Municipal Authority requested we install a gravity system rather than a low-pressure system, which would result in all customers having an individual grinder pump. The Redevelopment Authority accommodated the request and secured funding for the addition to the project.
Keller Engineers has been the partnering Engineer firm for Bedford Joint Municipal Authority since 2009. Keller Engineers were a key component in every area from design to construction for the first phase of Shuster Way Heritage trail that was completed in 2015. Our partnership with Keller Engineers continued as we designed and completed the 2nd phase of the Shuster Way Heritage Trail in September of 2023. The staff are professional, passionate, and dedicated to a project from the beginning to completion. On behalf of Bedford Joint Municipal Authority, I would highly recommend Keller Engineers, Inc. Brian Sell, Chairman Bedford Joint Municipal Authority