SR 0872 Section A03 – Costello Bridge


  • Survey
  • Easement Right-of-Way Plans
  • Base Mapping
  • Courthouse Research
  • Utility Coordination
  • Hydrology and Hydraulics
  • Drainage Design
  • Permitting
  • Preliminary and Final Design of Replacement Bridge
  • Preliminary and Final Design Roadway/Highway - Rehabilitation
  • Preliminary and Final Design Roadway/Highway - Safety improvements
  • Traffic Signal Design
  • Traffic Control
  • Erosion Control/NPDES Permitting


PennDOT District 2-0, Potter County

Project Details

This project involved replacement of the existing Steel I-Beam Bridge carrying SR 872 over First Fork of the Sinnemahoning Creek. The structure was replaced with a two-span P/S Concrete Spread Box Beam Bridge. While each span is 62’-6”, the overall project length is 740’-0” including approach roadway and drainage facilities.

Construction of the new downstream wingwalls was staged using shoring to accommodate the temporary road and bridge and to minimize impact to surrounding homes. Hydraulic modeling of the existing and proposed conditions was complicated by the fact that Freeman Run parallels SR 872 in this area and empties into First Fork directly upstream of the bridge.

A temporary one-lane road and bridge were used to route traffic around the construction area utilizing temporary traffic signals.


I probably don’t say this enough, but we so appreciate the quality of work Keller Engineers does. The fact that they include building footprints and natural features makes these surveys super useful. I’m reminding my colleagues in other counties that their surveyors need to up their quality. F. Mark Schiavone, Executive Director Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board

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