Nittany and Bald Eagle Railroad Bridges


  • Survey
  • Base Mapping
  • Preliminary and Final Design of Bridge Rehabilitation
  • Permitting
  • Erosion Control/NPDES Permitting
  • Construction Management
  • Construction Inspection


SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority, Blair County

Project Details

The purpose of rehabilitating these bridges was to raise the thru-girder railroad Bridge 0.24) over 10th Street in Tyrone Borough. The bridge was frequently impacted by large trucks due to its height. The project was designed to provide a roadway clearance of 14’-8 ½” to eliminate the need for a clearance posting and prevent the frequent truck impacts. This project includes the replacement of deteriorated steel components, replacement of the timber tie deck, and raising of Bridge 0.24. To accommodate the raise in railroad alignment, the existing masonry retaining walls along Washington Avenue were modified and precast concrete parapet segments were installed along the top of the wall. Additionally, Bridge 0.05 work included replacing the timber tie deck, placement of scour protection at Piers 1 and 2, and replacement of pedestrian walkway canopies that protect a pedestrian bridge owned by the County of Blair.

The challenge for this project was the need to complete the project within a 14-calendar day planned track outage window, with minor work completed at other times between trains. All major work was completed by the contractor in the 14-calendar day window.


Keller Engineers is the easiest engineer that our Township has worked with. All their engineers and employees are really friendly and helpful. Karen Cregger, Secretary/Treasurer Southampton Township, Bedford County

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