Altoona Blair County Development Corporation, Blair County
Keller Engineers’ team provided all necessary survey and civil engineering services to design and construct a new 114-acre industrial park. Specific amenities in the park include design and construction of 2,300’ of new Township roadway and infrastructure such as utility extensions, drainage, water, and sewer. Drainage improvements included constructed wetlands and bio-retention facilities to control stormwater runoff rate and volume, and to improve water quality.
Project Uniqueness/Challenges: The most challenging aspect of this project was obtaining the NPDES permit. FEMA revised the floodplain maps after design was under way, which resulted in the wetlands being reclassified as Exceptional Value (EV). This change made permitting wetland impacts far more difficult. Once permits were obtained, a major modification was made to the NPDES permit to better utilize the available grant money.
I probably don’t say this enough, but we so appreciate the quality of work Keller Engineers does. The fact that they include building footprints and natural features makes these surveys super useful. I’m reminding my colleagues in other counties that their surveyors need to up their quality. F. Mark Schiavone, Executive Director Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board