Lorain Borough Council, Cambria County
This project involved the replacement of Lorain Borough’s entire wastewater collection system in the same location as the former system.
The collection system serves nearly 300 homes and businesses. Approximately 22,000’ of mainline, 8,000’ of lateral pipe, and nearly 140 manholes were replaced with new pipe, along with related appurtenances and property restoration. Additionally, all mains, manholes and laterals were pressure tested.
We have teamed with Keller Engineers on several design-build projects for PennDOT. When selecting a designer, the more critical factors are trust and competence, more so than a low price. If your designer makes a mistake in quantities it can cost you a lot of money. We have stayed with Keller Engineers because we trust them to provide competent service at a competitive price. S. Scott Grannas, Vice President Grannas Bros. Stone & Asphalt Co., Inc.