Johnstown Flood Memorial Site


  • All data referenced to the Pennsylvania State Plane coordinate system.
  • Deed, right-of-way, and easement research for all subject land and adjoining properties.
  • Field survey and measurements to recover any existing Park Service monuments and boundary evidence.
  • Office calculations to resolve locations and dimensions of Park Service property.
  • Setting of approximately 85 missing and additional concrete monuments. Monuments included an aluminum post, cap, brass disk and boundary marker witness posts.
  • Boundary monuments were referenced to permanent nearby objects.
  • Line trees were blazed through wooded areas.
  • Delineated and located wetland boundaries.
  • Created a functional assessment of the condition of the wetlands.
  • Identified the types and levels of wetland functions and values.
  • Prepared a wetland project report that included classifications, GIS data layers, data sheets, narrative, and characteristics of each area.


National Park Service, Cambria County

Project Details

Keller Engineers performed various survey and environmental services on this 170-acre site in the historic lakebed of the South Fork Dam and Conemaugh Lake.

All services were completed using the protocols and procedures specified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.  The wetland boundaries were located by field survey and acreage determined of individual wetlands and of Cowardin types.  GIS data layers were developed for all delineated wetlands then geo-referenced onto an aerial photograph.

We have teamed with Keller Engineers on several design-build projects for PennDOT. When selecting a designer, the more critical factors are trust and competence, more so than a low price. If your designer makes a mistake in quantities it can cost you a lot of money. We have stayed with Keller Engineers because we trust them to provide competent service at a competitive price.  S. Scott Grannas, Vice President Grannas Bros. Stone & Asphalt Co., Inc.

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