Fulton County Medical


  • Survey
  • Site Planning, Design, and Layout
  • Parking Lot Design
  • Design of Walking Bridge from Parking Lot
  • Design of ADA Compliant Sidewalks and Curb Ramps
  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
  • Stormwater Design
  • Site Grading
  • Permitting
  • Municipal Coordination
  • Utility Coordination
  • Access Driveway
  • Lighting
  • Landscaping
  • Design of all Structural Elements


Fulton County Medical Center, Fulton County

Project Details

This project included the construction of a 17,600 SF Patient Services and Administration building that consolidated six hospital ancillary sites into one building on the medical campus.  Site work on this included design and construction of a new 80-stall parking lot, two bio-retention basins, erosion and sedimentation control measures, landscaping, and ADA compliance walkways.

Project Uniqueness/Challenges:

  • Relocation of existing water and sewer mains around the proposed building addition.
  • Design of a “land bridge” over an existing bio-retention basin for pedestrian connection from the new parking lot to the hospital.
  • Designed multiple scenarios for relocation of existing and creation of new accessible parking stalls to meet the ADA 10% requirement for medical facilities. Subsequent design of ADA routes with ramps for some of the spaces.
  • Modification and overlay of existing porous asphalt parking lot; subsequent analysis of original stormwater design report to determine capacity of existing detention facilities.
  • The hospital was designed as a model of Low Impact Development (LID) with BMP’s such as meadow habitat, porous asphalt, and rain gardens. Keller Engineers worked with the hospital to continue LID practices, where practical, and replaced failing porous asphalt with conventional asphalt.  KEI also worked with the local Conservation District for replacement of these BMP’s.

Keller Engineers’ Structural Division was responsible for the design of all structural elements.  The building has a steel frame with conventional concrete foundations.




I probably don’t say this enough, but we so appreciate the quality of work Keller Engineers does. The fact that they include building footprints and natural features makes these surveys super useful. I’m reminding my colleagues in other counties that their surveyors need to up their quality. F. Mark Schiavone, Executive Director Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board

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